How to determine the reality of "fast" funding

Posted by Mark Hutchins on Mar 28, 2019 12:12:11 PM



Private Lending School

Lesson 3: Speed of Funding - How to Determine the Reality of "Fast" Funding

So you need a fast funding solution? Most of the funders in this space seem to promise exactly that, so how do you work out how long a funder is actually going to take? It’s all about asking the right questions and doing your homework.

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Tags: Urgent Finance, Short term finance, short term loan, the secured lending difference, limited access in funding, banks closed, liquidation, partly completed development

Putting the pieces back together

Posted by Mark Hutchins on Feb 25, 2019 11:03:16 AM


Some recent scenarios we have funded demonstrate our depth of expertise and what’s lurking beneath the waters: 

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Tags: Short term finance, short term loan, the secured lending difference, limited access in funding, banks closed, liquidation, partly completed development

How to determine the reality of "fast" funding

Posted by Mark Hutchins on Nov 12, 2018 8:53:53 AM


Private Lending School

Lesson 3: Speed of Funding - How to Determine the Reality of "Fast" Funding

So you need a fast funding solution? Most of the funders in this space seem to promise exactly that, so how do you work out how long a funder is actually going to take? It’s all about asking the right questions and doing your homework.


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Tags: Short term finance, short term loan, the secured lending difference, limited access in funding, banks closed

All That Glitters Is Not Gold

Posted by Mark Hutchins on Oct 29, 2018 4:09:13 PM


Private Lending School

Lesson 2: Interest Rates - All that glitters is not gold

Lesson 1 I focused on term sheets. This post I will focus on interest rates and costs. 

This topic hit home to me this week when a broker called me about a deal and asked me to price a loan, which I did, to which he called me and said "I have a cheaper option". 

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Tags: Short term finance, short term loan, the secured lending difference, limited access in funding, banks closed

Devil in the Detail

Posted by Mark Hutchins on Oct 18, 2018 10:02:25 AM


My last post struck a chord it would seem. I received lots of messages from brokers sick of the games that are often played in the private loan industry. 

Who would of thought #removethescumfromprivatelending could get such a response. 

The questions that I was asked following the post and the obvious increase of brokers entering this space suggested to me more education is needed. So over the next posts I will unpick this world for you that will hopefully assist you navigate it safely.


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Tags: Short term finance, short term loan, the secured lending difference, limited access in funding, banks closed


Posted by Mark Hutchins on Sep 28, 2018 4:13:23 PM


There is so much noise in the media about the impacts of the Royal Commission on the Bank’s appetites and the resulting flow through effects to the property market that for some it can be difficult to know where the hype ends and reality begins. 

Much like our feathered friends in a coal mine, reading the early indicators are essential for survival in such a volatile market. 

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Tags: Short term finance, short term loan, the secured lending difference, limited access in funding, banks closed


Posted by The Team @ Secured Lending on Jan 25, 2018 12:48:59 PM


During the break, we lent $3 million to a client who needed the funds for working capital. Surprisingly, this Borrower had over $20 million in assets.

He simply couldn’t unpick the shackles from his bankers hands to get the deal done.

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Tags: Urgent Finance, Short term finance, short term loan, banks closed



Secured Lending focuses on non-conforming, fast and short term funding solutions without all the games that are played in this space.  Why us?
  • We have our own internal property valuation team. 
  • We can settle caveats, 1st and 2nd mortgage loans within 24 hours up to $10m.
  • We pride ourselves on being transparent and honest in our approach. We can generally tell you within hours if we are going to do the deal.
Our rates start at 1% per month with typical terms 3-6 months. 
If you have a scenario to discuss, please call us on 1300 795 175.

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