The Team @ Secured Lending

The Team @ Secured Lending
Secured Lending focuses on non-conforming, fast and short term funding solutions without all the games that are played in this space. We have our own internal property valuation team. This team has significant property valuation and development experience providing us the expertise to quickly assess all types of property security including part completed developments, land banks etc. We can settle caveats, 1st and 2nd mortgage loans within 24 hours up to $7m. We pride ourselves on being transparent and honest in our approach. We can generally tell you within hours if we are going to do the deal and if you agree to the pricing a letter of offer will be sent immediately to move the loan forward. Our rates start at 2% per month with typical terms 3-6 months. We also have capital available at 1% per month where time pressure isn't an issue. If you have a scenario to discuss, please call us on 1300 795 175.

Recent Posts


Posted by The Team @ Secured Lending on Aug 27, 2018 11:42:11 AM

What a crazy month it's been here at Secured Lending! It seems like the current demand for private commercial funding has picked up (and in full force) as we have been inundated with loan applications from our ever expanding referral network.

So what have we recently funded in the current crazy funding markets...

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Tags: Working Capital, Urgent Finance, ATO, opportunity, the secured lending difference, Construction Finance


Posted by The Team @ Secured Lending on Aug 10, 2018 10:00:56 AM


What are the most important attributes in a short term lender?  

Speed and reliability is what brokers are telling us and for these reasons they keep coming back to Secured Lending.

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Tags: Urgent Finance, Short term finance, short term loan


Posted by The Team @ Secured Lending on Jul 20, 2018 10:10:19 AM


Partly completed site – finished thanks to Secured Lending.


A Melbourne based developer had some cost over runs on a partially complete development site and needed a cash injection of $1,250,000 to meet such costs.


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Tags: Urgent Finance, Short term finance, short term loan, partly completed development


Posted by The Team @ Secured Lending on Jun 27, 2018 2:06:46 PM

It has been a crazy week here at Secured Lending. We have come across Borrowers from all walks of life who are looking to tidy up their finances in preparation for the end of financial year.

With a new settlement every day for the past 7 days, how could we not take the opportunity to bring you 7 LOANS IN 7 DAYS


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Tags: Working Capital, Urgent Finance, Delayed Settlement, ATO, opportunity, the secured lending difference


Posted by The Team @ Secured Lending on Jun 18, 2018 10:28:44 AM



We advanced $3 million to refinance a Private Lender.


We were approached by a broker as his Client’s existing loan was due to expire in a week.


Notwithstanding earlier representations, the Client was advised by the Lender ‘the investor wants their money back’ (read: we are going to charge you default interest). Both the Client and the Broker knew that if the loan defaults, they will be charged with large default fees and interest.


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Tags: Urgent Finance, Short term finance, short term loan


Posted by The Team @ Secured Lending on May 22, 2018 8:28:50 AM



We were approached to fund a company which had received a winding up application from the Taxation Office.


Secured Lending stepped in and funded the Company secured against the Company’s commercial property and the Director’s investment property. 


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Tags: Urgent Finance, Short term finance, short term loan


Posted by The Team @ Secured Lending on Apr 30, 2018 1:27:16 PM

This client came to us in despair.

The builder had walked off site and trades were owed money, the developer was inexperienced and didn’t have a plan or new builder to finish the build.

The client had wasted months talking to other lenders who promised the world and delivered nothing.

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Tags: Urgent Finance, Short term finance, short term loan


Posted by The Team @ Secured Lending on Apr 5, 2018 9:19:37 AM


See how Secured Lending helps clients during tax time

This is the time of the year where the two quarterly Activity Statements are due in quick succession followed by Company Tax Returns for the FYE 2017. We are seeing more clients getting caught out on this and in need of a short term loan.


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Tags: Urgent Finance, outstanding tax debt, Short term finance, short term loan

$15M Land Subdivision Deal

Posted by The Team @ Secured Lending on Feb 28, 2018 12:32:28 PM


Last week was crazy. We funded 6 deals totalling over $20m. The way brokers and borrowers have responded to our approach has been very pleasing.  

If you want proof that the formula of speed, integrity, honesty, and property smarts is valued by borrowers and brokers alike then there can be no better example then 

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Tags: Urgent Finance, Land Banking, Short term finance, liquidation, Subdivisions

We funded a purchase of a business

Posted by The Team @ Secured Lending on Feb 13, 2018 10:12:06 AM


We funded a client $750,000 to purchase a business in liquidation.

Our client wanted to purchase a business from a liquidator and needed a $750,000 cash injection for the purchase and working capital.

We made the funds available secured via a second mortgage over the client's existing investment property in NSW.

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Tags: Urgent Finance, Short term finance, short term loan, liquidation



Secured Lending focuses on non-conforming, fast and short term funding solutions without all the games that are played in this space.  Why us?
  • We have our own internal property valuation team. 
  • We can settle caveats, 1st and 2nd mortgage loans within 24 hours up to $10m.
  • We pride ourselves on being transparent and honest in our approach. We can generally tell you within hours if we are going to do the deal.
Our rates start at 1% per month with typical terms 3-6 months. 
If you have a scenario to discuss, please call us on 1300 795 175.

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