Posted by The Team @ Secured Lending on Jan 24, 2018 1:30:20 PM
The Team @ Secured Lending

property development funding

A Sydney based developer had some cost over runs and needed a a cash injection of $750,000 to meet such costs which their bank would not provide.

Secured Lending’s team includes direct property development experience and was able to quickly assess the status of the development, costs to complete and likely profitability / headroom in the development. We provided short term finance of $750,000 which was secured by a second mortgage on the directors property.

At Secured Lending, we have a team of in-house property experts who understand the complexities of DA Applications, construction and development sites. Secured Lending can approve loans in a matter of hours and settle in a day.

Keen to know more, check out the following links:

Types of Loans

Our Lending Process

Application Form


Tags: Working Capital, Short term finance, short term loan, cash injection



Secured Lending focuses on non-conforming, fast and short term funding solutions without all the games that are played in this space.  Why us?
  • We have our own internal property valuation team. 
  • We can settle caveats, 1st and 2nd mortgage loans within 24 hours up to $10m.
  • We pride ourselves on being transparent and honest in our approach. We can generally tell you within hours if we are going to do the deal.
Our rates start at 1% per month with typical terms 3-6 months. 
If you have a scenario to discuss, please call us on 1300 795 175.

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